Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Daddy's 32nd Birthday!! Sept 1, 2017

After we moved out of our house, we were so thankful for Liz and Austin’s kindness in letting us stay with them a couple weeks while we prepared to go on our family trip and then venture up to Washington for the fall until our house was finished being built. It was a huge blessing for them to open their house to us so Jon could stay there a couple months to still do his ward calling and keep up with his work responsibilities while we were away. 

Here we are celebrating Jonathan’s 32nd birthday together after his parents, Aunt Rebekah, and Samuel flew into town for our family Carribean trip!! He got lucky there was a Celina Football home game that night, in which some of the young men he got to serve with in his calling played on the team. He was excited to support them and experience the Celina Football legacy, tradition and overall experience with his dad too!!! We had a fried turkey per his request and to let his parents try the yumminess of Texan-style frying and the juiciness it created. Then we followed that with some delicious chocolate cake!! 

Someone was happy to help Daddy blow out his candles!!!

Love this man for his faithfulness, hard-work ethic, and the fun and hugs he brings to our lives!!
Happy Birthday Sweety!

Go Bobcats!!!

Yay for a game well played and a fun night enjoying football together!!! Happy Birthday to my sweetheart!! ❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, April 14, 2018

August 2017 Our 10th Anniversay & Family Pictures!!

Although we had a whirlwind swirling around us as we were preparing to sell our house the following week, this sweet husband of mine was so kind to brave the sweltering August Texas heat with the kiddos and I to take our traditional anniversary (aka birthday of our family--- the start of our journey together forever!) pictures!!  We figured out some revolutionary gam-changers that made pictures from our remote and camera on a tripod so much better---I pulled the kids out first from the comforts of our air conditioned car one at a time to do the individuals, and siblings....and then, drum roll please, they each were bribed with some skittles or lollipop or something...if they did their best and listened super well--they all did an awesome AND super amazing job!!! Then, we all braved the heat together to snag a few different poses of our entire family for pictures (which turned out so well for being taken with a remote...haha..so proud of us and that trusty camera--even though some pics had some sort of fuzzy blur off to the side <<<not sure why>>> must be on the lens??) and then our budding photographer 8 year old snagged these of just us two! There was no whining, tears shed, meltdowns, and mommy got her favorite pictures of the year, while Daddy could listen to Harry Potter audio books with the kids in the van with AC while I got to use my creative photography magical skills (albeit, while sweating beads from the heat along the way lol) with each kiddo and trying to bring out their individual personalities...and I was so happy with what we got!! 

I am so thankful for this sweet husband of mine and for the last wonderful 10 years we have shared together!!! He truly is the best teammate and eternal companion for me and I am so thankful for the good man, awesome daddy, and best friend he is as we continue to take on life adventures together side-by-side.  You are wonderful and I am so thankful for the heaven-sent additions we have added to our family each year, the immense blessings, challenges, opportunities for stretching and growth, unspeakable love and joy they have brought into our lives!  We truly grew entirely new additional hearts for each one and our lives have been so richly blessed by each of them.  I am thankful for our temple marriage and that we can be together forever!! Love you family! You mean everything! =D 


 Miss Katelyn the biggest helper and climber! (8 years old)


 Nathan speed-racer man the thoughtful, smart and sweet caring joy! (5 years old)

 Miss Gracie June-bug who brightens the world with her big heart and smile! (4 years old)

Joshy the little smiley, fearless, curious adventurer/explorer (1.5 years old)!

What sweet blessings!! We are so thankful for this little crew of ours, the light and love, challenges and opportunities for leaning and growing together, and indescribable happiness and joy they bring into our lives!! They mean the world to us and we are so thankful for each one of them and their unique attributes, strengths/weaknesses, personalities, the way they look after each other, help care for each other and the ways they teach us about the pure love our Heavenly Father has for each of us and extending that loving charity to others everyday!

Love this heart-throb of mine.  :)  He means everything to me.  I am so thankful to be by his side along this journey in life each day.  I am thankful for his faithfulness, determination, hard work ethic, patience with me and our sweet kiddos who try to keep up with his quickness at everything, and for his sincere loving and caring heart who honors his calling as a husband and father with his utmost abilities. We love you, honey and our world is made so much better because you are in it!! <3 <3 <3 10 years down and forever more to go! Couldn't imagine a more exhilarating or stretching, growing, learning from all the bumps in the road, fun, joyous, loving adventure than getting to experience it all by your side!

So incredibly thankful for this sweet family of mine. <3 We are truly blessed beyond measure and so thankful to God above for these greatest blessings and treasures who have been entrusted into our care. Although there are many days we find this parenting experience to test us to the very core, and we continue to find more and more gray hairs from trying to manage and balance our time and most important responsibilities as parents, we sure love them and pray each day that we can help teach them more and more about Him, and help them know of our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ's immense love for each of them, and to help them turn their hearts towards following our Savior and staying on the covenant path which will lead to the greatest happiness of all and enable us to live  with our family forever someday.

Love them and the plan of salvation, the Atonement of our Savior and the chance we have to repent, learn and grow and keep progressing each day! 

Speaking of learning and GROWING, we finally were able to sell our house, after having it on the market for a little over 5.5 months!!! Due to our plans to continue to grow our family, we decided to make a few adjustments to our first home here in Texas, and move a few miles down the road into a home that would fit our families long terms needs and desires to accommodate more people a bit better! Woo hoo to the end of showings and that crazy whirlwind of a process, but we were thankful it all worked out in the Lord's timing and for the hospitality of those family members who let us stay with them while our next home was being finished!! 

We are so thankful for this wonderful life. For each other.  For those smiles that keep us going.  For our Savior and His love we can feel and find every day. For the gospel plan which gives us so much hope amidst hardship, meaning amidst societies misguided monotony, true happiness and peace.  Ten years has been trying and led to lots of stretching and growing, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Here's to taking on another infinity with ya'll!!! =D

Sunday, April 1, 2018

July 13, 2017 Nathan's 6th Birthday!!

Happy 6th Birthday Nathan!!! We sure love this boy!! Can't believe he is already a whopping 6 years old, where has the time gone!  We celebrated by having our cousins over and a super awesome star wars light saber cake, of course!!! The force has been strong within our family lately!! =D
We are just so thankful for Nathan, his thoughtfulness of others, looking out for those who may be struggling and trying his best to help them, even when no one is watching (like pushing kiddos on the swing who needed a push and their parents weren't around...or helping someone feel better after they've been hurt or are sad....), for his helpfulness with chores and helping mom make pancakes,  rolls or cookies, or chopping veggies/fruit in the kitchen, for his eager to learn and curious mind, his swift running feet, swift light saber moves and jabs and playful, energetic spirit, and loyalty to his family! He sure has a goofy side too, and loves to laugh.  He is a joy to have in our family! We sure love that handsome smile and that genuine smile! Happy Birthday bud!

Here are some of our favorite moments and memories ever since this cute boy joined our family 6 years ago:
What a happy day, our first baby boy!! He was a whopping 9 lbs 6 oz. and had a very gentle, sweet nature.  He was a super easy going baby, a great eater, and just a sweet piece of heaven to have in our family!

His birth was a real miracle...he had 2 knots in his cord, probably from doing flips early on in mom's tummy, but thankfully, we know he has a mission here on earth to fulfill because Mommy noticed at the end of this pregnancy, he definitely calmed down and was not as active as he was in the early trimesters....We've known families who have lost their babies because the little ones had a knot in their umbilical cords, and thankfully, Heavenly Father allowed our sweet Nathan to miraculously make it to our family safely! We love you Nathan!! What a blessing and tender mercy you are!

Sister holding sweet Nathan for the first time ever! My two first peas in a pod!

Yay! We were a family of four! Couldn't be happier this little bundle got here safe and sound!
Nathan Daniel
1 day old

Here are some highlights of Nathan's baby and toddler years! We love you sweet boy!



You are such a ham and silly boy, but we are so glad you came to our family and for your thoughtfulness, kindness, hard-working spirit, and that handsome cheesy dimpled smile that lights up our lives!!  What a good sport he was about his birthday too, because we were only a month away from moving out of our house too and were in the middle of showings! What a whirlwind of a year, but with smiles like his and lots of heavenly help, we were able to make it through! Happy Birthday Nathan!