It was such a blessing and joy that Grandparents could come visit us with Aunt Beka and Uncle Samuel for a week near Valentines Day this year!!
We were thrilled to have them come! Some of the funnest highlights were grandpa playing ball tag on the trampoline with all the kiddos, extra amounts of cousin time, getting to read books with Uncle Samuel, and go to the zoo together to see incredible lego exhibits and getting to make some super neat creations ourselves too! So many smiles and memories to cherish!
Miss K's favorite animal to ride is the hummingbird! Cute oldest kiddos of the bunch!
Miss Gracie's trademark choice that she looks forward to riding every time is the super fast CHEETAH!!! Bonus to have Uncle Samuel nearby too!
Grandma and miss Oakley, she was having a ball with Grandma!
Nathan on his triceratops and miss Emeri enjoying some Aunt Beka time and a fun ride too!
One of their favorite parts of the African section of the zoo, climbing the elephant statues!! They sure are little monkies, talented climbers for sure!
A leopard all made from legos--how cool!!
Gracie and her soft dog of course! Everywhere she goes! #love
It was CRAZY to see an albino alligator, and ginormous python too!!
The special exhibit going was lego building, we girls had fun creating our very own castle!
Nathan did a great job of his own on a sweet multi-color tower!
Yay for cousins! We sure love them!
So impressive to see all these lego creations! Many of them took over 3 months non-stop worth of time to make! Beautiful and so incredible to see!
We all had a super fun time exploring and learning about some awesome animals and sharing in memories with some of our favorite people around, we love our family!
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