Monday, May 23, 2016

Everyday joys in the journey. March 14-March 24, 2016

We were so excited for the day that Daddy was coming back after his long Australia work trip!! When it's warm outside, what better thing to do then do a lemonade stand sale! One of their favorite "efficient" in their eyes lol...way to use their time.  These kiddos take after their daddy who was always figuring out a way to start his own business...haha...they actually did quite well, a couple neighbors came by and a family looking at the house next to us actyually gave them $5 for 2! Wow, hopefully their lemonade was well worth it! I am sure it was, who couldn't resist these cute smiles and enthusiasm, regardless of how sweet or sour it actually tasted!! hehe :) 

Daddy came home early Monday evening, just in time for Family Home Evening!! We learned about Unselfishness and Sensitivity, and acted out the story of Ammon saving the sheep from the wicked Lamanites.  We talked about how he was always doing what is right and thinking of others.  Yay for acting out scripture stories!!

PLUS, it also happened to be PIE of course, since I am a math enthusiast too...always have loved Math...quirky and weird perhaps, but we still love it! So here is our yummy key lime avocado pie to celebrate!! FHE treats for all!! =D

Katelyn's soccer team got to walk on the field with the High School Varsity team!! We cheered Miss Katelyn and her good friend Eily on from the stands!! Woo hoo!

For our friend art class, we learned about Japan and my sweet friend Tamara brought girls festival celebration day to life (since she also served her mission there!! So awesome!) with Kimonos, candy sushi, Japanese cherry blossom art, and we even ate like they do....on the low floor tables!! So fun for these girlies!

Liz and I got to go to a Homeschool Convention together the weekend after Jonathan got back and it was AMAZING, so inspirational and encouraging! So many incredible curriculums, books and learning material! Best of all---super helpful, relaxing and encouraging tips from other homeschooling moms and families who have gotten their kids to college and provided awesome feedback on how to make the most of our time with our kiddos and making every ounce of at home play and learning count! :)

Playing frisbee with Daddy at a local park after I came back early from the Convention Weekend! Love these people!

Preparing for Easter Week!! Here we are acting out the triumphant entry for FHE on Monday night! Love Easter time and traditions that help us remember our dear Savior.  :)

Here are our lentils and pita bread, complete with grape juice, goldFISH, grapes and olives for dinner on Passover Thursday! (PLUS...we did this all in ADDITION to soccer practice too! Crazy packed night, but I am so glad we started the tradition this year! What precious memories and important gospel lessons we get to learn as a family!! Love traditions and our dear family :)
Katelyn performing on her bells for us! We all love music!
Mr. Joshy baby amazing us with those strong tummy muscles....he hasn't minded tummy time ever...I know, crazy, right!!??! But what a strong, sturdy, smiley little guy we've got! Love him!

Making muffins! Fun learning and baking time together!

This sweet tired boy, just ready for a nap. :)

Love these snuggles.  I want to cherish these moments forever.

{Also, I wanted to post these in there too! The first one is Nathan when he was 3 months.  The second is Joshua when he was 5 months.  They have similar noses, eyes and facial features, but Nathan for sure had a longer forehead and more hair, while Joshy is more round faced, still so adorable! Love my boys!}

All in a days work. haha...I laugh sometimes at how much we can sweep up in a day with these playful and often messy kiddos...good thing they like helping sweep and try** to do their part in cleaning it up too! ;)

Gracie's 1st dentist appointment! Everything looked great! Way to go Gracie!!

I am hoping this post gives a glimpse of everyday life for us...everything from lemonade stands, FHE nights and memorable loved traditions, smiles, SUPPER messy floors and sweeping jobs, soccer practices/games, frisbee time with fam, appointments and lots and lots of precious snuggle moments that fill our hearts up and over the brim with the simplest, purest love. So glad we have each other. :)

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