Sunday, January 12, 2020




Fun with the Tigert Family.  They were friends when we needed it the most.  Their friendship really helped us make it through some challenging times.  What a blessing it is to have good friends!

Our dear prohpet, Pres. Thomas S. Monson, passed away.  I love his quotes, "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." And here are a couple other good ones.  What a wonderful Christ-like, loving example he was to us all.  There was a partial lunar eclipse in January 2018 too! So neat we captured some of it! Hair cuts time and play play play! Fun CC schoolwork, painting, learning how to read site words, seeing the edges of the lake turn into ice sheets, marble runs....and the ultrasound of our sweet baby, which we almost thought we were going to lose.  What a miracle it was she was able to be strong and make it through having part of the placenta rip away from the uterine wall, where blood was tracking and continued to bleed for a little over a month.  It was a trying time for my faith, for sure.  I would come home from my doctor appointments in tears, not knowing for sure whether or not she would make it, and trying to process how we would go about everything if we were to lose her.  What a heart-rending hardship it would be to lose a baby.  We are so thankful for the thoughts, prayers and heavenly strength which helped make us through in this fragile and difficult time.

Family Home Evening on Friendship!!
Our dear Prophet, Pres. Thomas S. Monson, passed away and we were reflecting on some of his most memorable quotes.  He was a wonderful, exemplary and inspirational man.  We are so thankful for his life of service and his heart full of sharing the Savior's message of peace, hope, the call for repentance, and the call to fill our lives with truth, our hearts with love and our life with service.  <3

My sweet 4 year old Gracie learning some sight words!!! So proud of this budding reader!!! She loves being a student and excels at all she puts her mind to!! Look at that darling smile!
More pictures.  Some also showing the blood clot, which I had when Makenzie was in my tummy.  It was originally 10 cm in length and progressively shrunk to about 3-4 cm in length over a few months time.  What a trial and blessing that came from our sustained faith and comfort from the Lord, that this too, as in all things, would be in His hands, and he would carry us when we felt as though we didn't have the strength to make it through.  We kept putting one foot in front of another and He helped it all work out in the end.
 This was my life for the 3 months we lived in WA, while our house was being finished.  Joshua wouldnt go to sleep any other way, than by having my hair to run and stroke in his hands while I sang him 25 primary songs.  I really learned "Our Saviors Love' all super well because I sang that song on repeat well over a half hour each night to help this cute little guy go to sleep and STAY asleep! I had to capture this picture of what reality was like for me everyday. I love it.!

A sweet letter from our oldest child, being thankful for all that I do, so refreshing and sweet to hear come from her, without any prompting.

Family time is the best of time!

Make-up makeover by the lovely Lanae Heath

So thankful and so blessed to have these wonderful people in my life.  Our lives have been filled with wonder, learning, trials of our faith, love and growing together.  I wouldn't have life any other way.  So thankful for this pack of mine.  Love them to forever and back.

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