Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Last Week of 2016 Summer in Washington

Here are some more highlights from our last week or so in Washington! We sure loved watching little Joshua pulling himself up to standing almost everywhere he went! He was so proud, we were too!

Katelyn talked Isaac into making up some cool dance moves with her! We were so impressed with Isaac's strong muscles and Katelyn's beauty and gracefulness! 

I LOVE this picture of Joshy spinning the wheels on Oakley's baby stroller, because this is all I remember Nathan doing when he was the same age as Joshua too! I have pictures of Nathan doing these this too! Everything from baby stroller wheels to running stroller to bicycle wheels, he loved to spin them all! Like brother, like brother!!!! :) It was the cutest little thing to have Nathan spinning the wheels everywhere he went on any wheel or spinning item he could a sweet boy, who loves to make things go go go!!!

One of my favorite things to do with the kids is read to them! Here we are reading for our Summer Reading Challenge, where we tried to Read Your Child the World!! It was a blast of an adventure all within the walls of our cozy home, in the comfort of a soft bed or couch and mommy's lap!! Love my sweet love bugs and reading together all snuggled up is THE BEST! :)

I loved these conference talk insights I was reading during this week.  Truly, as often as we seek to have charity, the pure love of Christ, we can receive it.  Also, we must first commit to go and serve, knowing that we never go alone.  I was so touched by the thought that "when you go and comfort and serve anyone for the Savior, He prepares the way before you."  I feel that is so true when thinking about anything we do in our lives to uplift those around us, serve them and help others, or care after our family....I know the Lord is with us, we are certainly on His errand, as we strive to do what matters most, and he will bless, magnify our efforts and be right there with us by our sides. :) Such a strengthening thought.  Truly, I know that I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me!

We were so thankful for the chance to go to the Tacoma Children's Museum with our extended family cousins and their kiddos, so fun to be together! This place is awesome! They have amazingly fun activities for kids including painting, water play, wind scarf tunnels, a huge flying fort with movable wings, and more! Love these smiles and family memories!Gracie had so much fun insisting on painting as many "rainbows" as she could!! Katelyn took up the standing art, and has become quite the budding artist from our Mommy art class we did with some friends! She soaks it all in like a sponge! Sweet smiles! Love them!

Joshua enjoyed stacking and tossing the blocks with miss Penny, and Nathan was off playing in the wind scarf tunnels, and I didn't get a chance to snag his picture.  Haha...funny, because I am not sure he came into the art room at all, lol...but he was a happy camper making the foam balls roll down the magnetic track and scarfs poof out of the wind tubes!

After the museum, we stopped for lunch down a couple blocks on the coastline, where we got to explore some tide pools (aka my home away from all my other homes----I love everything ocean-life, studying it, being there, teaching others, I love it all!!) and uncovered some cute little crabs hiding under rocks!

Jonathan;s cousin Daniel and his sweet wife Shawn blessed their sweet baby girl Adaline in Federal Way, WA and we got to go support them with our fleet of youngster cousins! I was so glad for the chance to show the kids how important family is, to get together, no matter how far apart we live, or how small rooms we gather in, because we love each other and these times are the best of times!

For one of our last outings with Grandma, she wanted to take us to a nearby nature walk/arboretum.  We saw all sorts of native Washington plants, flowers, ferns, trees, it was all so beautiful! We loved learning so many neat insights and facts from Grandma!!

To top off the week, we had dutch-oven curried rice, brownies and berry cobbler!! All family camping traditions, but since we didn't make it out in the tented woods, we enjoyed the experience in the backyard instead!! The brownies were probably more moist and thicker than normal brownies and the freshly picked berries were gone in a heartbeat!! We love dutch-oven time with Grandpa and Grandma! :)

Loved our Washington Summer!

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